Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery
A Non-sectarian final resting place serving all faiths
Welcome to Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery
The Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery is a full service cemetery offering in-ground burial lots for interments, inurnments and crypts and niches in the Community Mausoleum, private mausoleums and cremations. Burial lots may be purchased for single or family plots according to your needs.
A section of the cemetery has been devoted to construction of individual family mausoleums. The Wiltwyck Community Chapel Mausoleum has brought the dignity and beauty of above ground entombment within the financial reach of almost everyone. Mausoleum burial is an accepted option by the followers of all major religions. Wiltwyck’s Community Mausoleum compares favorably to the cost of traditional in ground burial by eliminating the need for lots, vaults and monuments. Also available are niche spaces to accommodate permanent placement of urns for those who prefer cremation and we have our new scatter garden for those who would rather use that service.
The Wiltwyck Community Mausoleum offers interior and exterior crypts and niches. Visitation is available year-round in a beautiful tranquil environment providing a setting for remembrance and contemplation.
Read Our New Brochure

Planning ahead can help reduce stress and expenses during a difficult time. We’ve created a brochure to help you prepare for memorial arrangements. Request a copy by filling out the form below: