Questions To Ask

When selecting a final resting place for yourself and loved ones, it is important to know that the cemetery you chose will be there when you need it, and will put a high priority on perpetual care of the grounds. We recommend that when researching cemeteries, you ask these questions.
Who owns the cemetery? Who runs the daily operations?
The Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery is owned by a not-for-profit, the Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery Association, Inc. The corporation is governed by an elected Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 members elected to 3-year terms, with 4 seats up for election at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is held on the 4th Monday of April and notices of the meeting are posted in the Kingston, NY “Daily Freeman” weekly for the month preceding the meeting date.
The daily operations of the cemetery are under the direction of the superintendent. The office manager is responsible for all matters concerning records, receipts, disbursements and the scheduling of various services rendered to the families we serve.
What exactly am I purchasing?
When a lot, crypt or niche is sold, a deed is issued to the purchaser for the use of that space. This is a legal document which grants the purchaser the right to be interred, entombed or inurned immediately or at some future time. The deed should be kept in a safe place but kept accessible because it will be required to be shown as proof of ownership at the time of need.
How are records kept and maintained?
The records of lot, crypt and niche sales are kept in the cemetery office. Research requests for specific lot or mausoleum space may be requested of the office manager. Maps of the grave sites and mausoleum space are kept by the superintendent.
How are records kept and maintained?
The maintenance of the cemetery property, grave sites and mausoleums is the responsibility of the Superintendent and the staff under his direction. All burials and entombments are assessed a fee by the State of NY Division for Cemeteries and a fixed portion of each burial, cremation or entombment is placed into the Permanent Maintenance Fund to ensure the care of the grounds of the cemetery in perpetuity. The responsibility of the lot or mausoleum space is to abide by the Rules and Regulations and to see that their space reflects the dignity and respect for the deceased entrusted to the Wiltwyck Rural Cemetery as a final resting place.
Is there an annual report that I can examine? Who makes the endowment spending decisions?
Reports required by the NYS Division for Cemeteries are kept on file in the cemetery office and may be examined upon request. Decisions for the disbursement of endowment funds are made by the Board of Trustees under the guidelines established by the State of New York Division for Cemeteries.
Are there any restrictions I need to know about?
The owner(s) of every lot or mausoleum space receives a copy of the current Rules and Regulations. A copy may be obtained through the cemetery office. Permanent signage is posted inside each entrance to the cemetery and the mausoleum containing a brief outline of the important rules.